ASU Project Humanities In Partnership with Shepherd of the Hills UCC present:
Conversations on Gender and Violence: What's Missing?
6:00 pm – 6:15 pm
Registration check-in
• Meet and greet facilitators
• Check-in participants through Eventbrite
6:15 pm – 6:25 pm
Opening Remarks by Dr. Lester
• Welcome remarks and acknowledgements
• Humanity 101
• Explain World Café Format
Dr. Durfee- Framing the conversation
6:25 pm – 7:20 pm
Table Conversations
Three table rotations, as in World Café format. Each rotation will be 15 minutes, with 3 minutes in between for participants to rotate.
- Intersectionality (and lack thereof) in #MeToo Movement / BLM- Jasmine Lester
- Violence against trans and gender non-conforming people of color- Josef Burwell
- Toxic Masculinity - Keon McGuire
- Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women- Alesha Durfee
- DV and Institutional Bias- Clottee Hammons
(Each table will have a facilitator to pose questions, frame conversations, etc. Participants are encouraged to write their thoughts down on a giant post-it. After the 15 minutes are up, the participants will move to another table. The giant post-it notes stay at the table with the facilitator and new participants will add to it. After all rotations post-its will be posted on wall for gallery walk).
7:20 pm – 7:40 pm
Debrief (PH Team)
• Report out
• New and interesting information, what’s still missing in the conversations
7:45 pm - 8:00 pm
Closing Remarks, Audience & Panelists Thank you-Dr. Lester/PH Staff
• Event Survey (PH Staff handout survey)
• Ways to support Project Humanities
• Upcoming Events—You are invited
• Hand out resource sheet