Lectio Divina
Shepherd of the Hills UCC is offering Lectio Divina
EVERY THURSDAY at 10:00 AM via Zoom
Lectio Divina literally means "divine reading." This spiritual practice is a way of praying the words of the Bible. Early Christians used Lectio Divina as a meditative tool to go deeper with God and these holy texts.
Lectio Divina is not a Bible study. It is not meant to trip any of us up. Instead, this practice reveals what God is saying to us. Often God may be calling us to quiet our racing, pulsing hearts. At other times, God may be calling us to dive right into life's mystery by providing us with doubts and uncomfortable questions. No matter where this practice seems to lead us, it will always bring us just a bit closer to God.
Go ahead. Taste the living words of these ancient texts. You may be surprised by what you discover!
Updated 2020.05.19