You can make a difference.
As people of God we are called to serve the world around us. At Shepherd of the Hills, we respond to that call with time and money for the work of the church both within and beyond our walls – in our city, our country, and around the world.
In addition to supporting the work of the United Church of Christ through gifts to our conference and our national offices, our congregation maintains a strong ministry of seeking justice and equality for all of God’s people through our financial and volunteer support of a range of ministries that alleviate suffering and address essential human need.
Shepherd of the Hills UCC faithfully serves others through:
Habitat for Humanity
Interfaith Cooperative Ministries (ICM)
Blood Donation Drives
Turkey Drives
Family Promise
Providing Meeting Space for:
The Hills School and Atelier
Girls Scouts
Alcoholic Anonymous and Al Anon Groups
Polling for County Elections
Meditation Group
Exercise and Yoga Groups
Get Involved
Whoever you are, wherever you are in life’s journey, you are welcome here! When you visit us for worship, you will find Council members on hand to answer any of your questions. Please feel free to contact the pastors and staff as well. There are no tests, auditions, quizzes or trial runs for you to be involved at Shepherd of the Hills. We are a community who enthusiastically and warmly welcome you to share in this diverse, rich and fabulous journey as we learn together to live with and love one another in God’s realm. We are sure that God is still speaking. Come help us hear what God has to say.
Office 602.840.3130
Spread the Word
Tell your friends and family Shepherd of the Hills UCC. There's no better way to make an impact than to become an active advocate for peace, justice, and the empowerment of all God's people.
Join with us and make an impact!