Your First Visit


Our Worship begins at 10:00 AM, and you are welcome to gather before for coffee and fellowship.

Where to Park

When you enter the parking lot off Lafayette Blvd, the Sanctuary is the first building on your left. There is more parking available on the north and west sides of our campus. Parking spots marked "Handicapped" are set aside for anyone with mobility issues.

Greeters, Ushers and Welcome Hosts

Standing by the doors to the Sanctuary, you’ll find greeters saying hello. They are ready also to direct you to other parts of the campus or to answer any questions you may have. The greeters will offer you a program which will guide you through the service. The insert usually lists upcoming events and announcements. If you have small children, there are activity sheets, age appropriate for them as well. Ushers will assist you in finding a place to sit in the sanctuary. Hearing devices are available, just check with a Greeter.

Nursery/Toddler Care Center

Babies and children of all ages are invited, welcomed and encouraged in our worship services. We have a nursery available for infants through three years of age for your convenience. We have a basket in the narthex filled with children’s worship activities to use during the worship service. The nursery room is staffed with two volunteers who would be happy to care for your child while you attend worship. You may drop your children off in the nursery room at 9:45 a.m. Following the children’s sermon all children ages 4 through 7th grade are invited to go to church school. All children are to be picked up immediately after worship.

Sundays: Opens fifteen minutes before worship services and other events and meetings by advance request.

Ages: Newborns to 5 years.

Location: Building directly west of the sanctuary, down the sidewalk to the purple door on the southern most portion of the building marked “Nursery”. This is also the sidewalk to the west parking area.

Where to Sit

Feel free to sit anywhere you like. You’ll find reading material, Bibles and hymnals located in the pew racks in front of you. Shepherd of the Hills UCC encourages everyone to wear a name tag so that we may all greet one another by name. Sometime during the service, a friendship folder will be passed up and down the pew. Please spend a moment to fill in all of the information. We will not come knocking on your door, unless you personally request us to do so. We would like to send you a newsletter, either by mail or if you furnish us with you email address, it will be emailed you. You may also request a visit from the Pastor, just to say hello and ask if we can answer any questions.

Check the announcement page in the bulletin for location of meetings/groups/classes and their topics happening throughout the week.

Communion Celebration

Shepherd of the Hills UCC is celebrating Communion as a community every Sunday and for special services. Everyone is welcome at Christ's Table. There are no exceptions.

Social Time

After services, the patio (in front of the sanctuary by the fountain) is abuzz with fellowship and activity. Tables are scattered about, some offering coffee and others offering information about current and upcoming activities. Usually on the first Sunday of the month the Good Earth Group offer church grown produce and Fair Trade Coffees and Teas for sale.

Inside the church narthex (lobby), you will find our literature racks. Please pick up any literature that interests you.

We hope that after your visit Shepherd of the Hills UCC you’ll feel welcome to return soon.

What’s Happening at Shepherd of the Hills

There is a lot going on at Shepherd, and you are welcome to join in. Following are upcoming events for the next month and beyond. Click on an event for more details.