Email Scam Alert

Dear Shepherd Family,

This morning, I received two separate communications from members of our Shepherd Family stating that they got emails from "me" asking for iTunes Gift Cards.

I want to reiterate that I will NEVER email you to solicit funds or gift cards on a personal basis. The only emails or communications you will receive from me asking for money will be in an official capacity through our normal channels, for Tithing and Special Collections on behalf of Shepherd of the Hills.

If you receive an email from me that appears to be suspicious, i.e. greeting you by your last name in the salutation or asking for money in the form of gift cards on behalf of a sick friend, please do not click any links or divulge any personal or banking information. Check the Sender or From information to verify where the email originated. All of our official communications will come from an email address originating from

Good Practice: Protect your Address Book! If you are sending an email to a large group, put their email addresses in the BCC field so they are hidden from anyone who may get hold of that email.

Get more info with this FTC resource:
How to recognize and avoid phishing scams - FTC

As always, be vigilant and stay safe online. Do not click on a link, send money or gift cards, or provide checking account or credit card information in response to any emailed solicitation without checking with a trusted source.

Pastor Rock